
Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot Fig / Ice Plant)

Original price was: £25.50.Current price is: £20.40. incl. VAT

Fleshy-leaved, reasonably hardy succulent ground cover from South Africa.

Hardiness traffic light green

Hardiness level Red


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Fleshy-leaved, reasonably hardy succulent ground cover from South Africa. For salt resistance, the next best thing is bladder-wrack. It does have a rather seaweed-ish quality to the way it festoons and drapes over things as if swept by odd currents. Essential by the sea, obviously. We’ve enjoyed it in Trescoe where the stuff has naturalised and creeps right down the cliffs to tickle the tide. Reaches about 20cm high, if that, and spreads quite rapidly on chubby stems with fleshy, paired leaves that form thick carpets. Loud yellow flowers, a bit like daisies on steroids, will pepper the entire plant all summer. Coastal areas and urban pockets are best for this plant, as frosts and icy wet winds will nail it. Sheltered sunny courtyards are ideal, and a terracotta urn or oil jar draped in these jade necklaces is an arresting focal point that can be achieved incredibly simply: take an oil jar (this one is spiffy)  and shove a Carpobrotus in it. When the shouty yellow flowers erupt all over it in summer you’ll be ever so pleased with yourself. Well-drained sites are best, and full sun is essential.

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Continent of Origin

Specialist Plants



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Flower Colour



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