Hardy in the Home Counties if sensibly sited (avoiding severe frost pockets, for example). Many Amber Labelled Plants are from cuttings from well-established plants that have survived many harsh winters in the South-East.
This is only meant as a guide. Please remember we’re always on hand to give advice about plants and their frost hardiness.
Please remember that these coloured labels are only a rough guide.
General Point about Plant Hardiness: The commonly held belief that it’s better to ‘plant small’ is perfectly true with herbaceous plants, but not necessarily true with woody plants. They need some ‘wood’ on them to survive severe cold – so plants of marginal hardiness in very cold areas should really be planted LARGER, rather than smaller, wherever possible.
Showing 1–12 of 152 results
From 27.20
Acacia pravissima Oven's Wattle
Acca Sellowiana aka Feijoa Sellowiana Fruit salad bush, Pineapple Guava or Guavasteen
Agapanthus ‘Blue Storm’ Lily of the Nile
Agapanthus africanus ‘Tom Thumb’ Dwarf Agapanthus
Aloe aristata Lace Aloe - Hated by Clare
Aloe polyphylla Spiral Aloe
Aloe striatula Coral Aloe
Arbutus glandulosa Texas Medrone
From 115.20
Arbutus x andrachnoides Red Barked Strawberry Tree
Arundo donax variegata Variegated Spanish Reed
Astelia nervosa Mountain Astelia
Azara microphylla Vanilla Tree