Plant Feed & Bug Control
Help for the home front
Please note: to browse our current available stock of plant feeds & bug controls, visit our online shop and hunt in our Other Kit section.
Plant Feed & Bug Control
After many years of refining our approach to the health of the plants on our nursery and those in our customers’ gardens we have established a selection of essential products to help you on the home front. They are all used by our Plant Health expert, Richard, throughout the year to supplement the work he undertakes along with other professional industry products. Just ask one of our Sales Team when you visit the nursery for further advice on your requirements or contact us.
This selection will go a long way to helping you in the garden, however if you need more specialist advice and want to arrange a visit from Richard please contact us.

Maxicrop Plus – Plant Growth stimulant
A versatile plant feed you can apply as a root drench or foliar spray through out all the stages of plant development – germinating, propagation, transplanting, and growing. We apply it to our home grown stock for a good start and drench it into the soil on anything larger that’s looking a bit dull and down. Our Prunus and Ilex crenata ‘Niwaki’ are always particularly thankful. With regular use your plants will become stronger, healthier and develop an increased resistance to bugs.
- 1lt
- Natural seaweed extract-based liquid plant feed
- Simply add to water and apply with watering can or sprayer
- Full dosage rates and application instructions on bottle
- Completely organic

Maxicrop Plus – sequestered iron
This nutrient booster will perk-up any struggling iron-feeders you have as well as aiding growth in difficult soil. Yellowing between the leaf veins is the first sign that your plants are in need of a slug of this. We use it to produce richer foliage on the leaves of our Ilex crenata ‘Niwaki’, Magnolia grandiflora, and Citrus trees. It also helps nurture a more intense flower colour on our Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias and other acid loving plants.
- 1lt
- Natural seaweed extract-based liquid plant feed
- 2% iron
- Simply add to water and apply with watering can or sprayer
- Full dosage rates and application instructions on bottle
- Completely organic
Scotts Fungus Clear
A systemic form of protection and control that is great for treating a multitude of fungal conditions including, leaf spot, rust, powdery mildew and other foliar symptoms. We have found this works well treating and stopping the spread of leaf-spot on our Arbutus, Yuccas and Cordylines. It is also helpful for controlling the spread of powdery mildew on jungly plants like Acanthus mollis or Viburnum tinus or our favourite herbacious perennial, Verbena bonariensis.
- 1lt
- Nozzle spray
- Full dosage rates and application instructions on bottle
- Storage & disposal instructions on bottle

Scotts Bug Clear
Apply this to eliminate the full cast of unwanted bugs drawn to many of the plants in your garden. Within a day you should see a considerable reduction, whether they be frips, saw flies, aphids, leaf hoppers and beetles, whiteflies, caterpillars, mealy bugs and spidermites. We use this to top-up the protection against spidermite on our Banana plants, Euphorbia mellifera, and Cordylines. With repeat application it can also reduce the spread of mealy bug – as long as you target the nooks of the plant stem and base. However be sure to keep it away from your ferns, flowers and other plants sensitive to oil.
- 800ml
- Nozzle spray
- Contains 10 g/l rapeseed oil and 0.1 g/l pyrethrum (extracted from the chysanthemum flower)
- Full dosage rates and application instructions on bottle
- Storage & disposal instructions on bottle

SB Plant Invigorator
This is a relatively weak solution but perfect for stopping emerging new greenfly abruptly in their tracks and for use on particularly delicate plants and new growth. However, be careful to shield the sprayed plant(s) from direct sunlight until the solution has dried as it often causes scorching. We reach for this immediately when there’s a small outbreak on our juvenile homegrown specimens and Musa basjoo. For mealy bugs we have found that using this first and then following up with a spray of Scott’s Bug Clear helps deal with the pest more effectively.
- 500ml
- Nozzle spray
- Ready to use
- Store out of direct sunlight above 10 C and below 25 C
- Application instructions on bottle
HSK Tree Fern Feed
An absolutely essential feed supplement specially formulated for Dicksonia antarctica and other smaller ferns. It encourages vigourous foliage and root growth and is used by all professional growers worth their salt. As soon as the worst of the frost has gone and the new fronds begin to move in April start feeding directly into the crown on a weekly basis. Depending on the location you should still witness growth continuing into October. We use this on all our homegrown ferns and Dicksonia antarctica – we recommend nothing else.
- 500ml
- Mixing & application instructions on bottle
- Store in a cool place and protect from frost

Arbrex seal & Heal
We rely on this to protect fresh cuts to branches and trunks we make when pruning and shaping our Acers, Prunus and other trees with sensitive bark. It’s ready to use and easily applied using the fitted brush-head. Green in colour, the gel does well to disguse it’s presence whilst doing a fine job. For best results we recommend you apply it in dry weather. It is also a good first-aid remedy for any cut, crack or snap that might introduce unwanted infection to your plants or various subsequent preying living creatures that are ready to colonise this weakness.
- Gel 300g
- Brush head
- Application & storage instructions on bottle
- Contains ethanol
Osmocote PrePlant
We apply this as a top dressing to our trees, plants, and shrubs throughout the growing season. Made of coated granules they are easily applied to the surface soil and watering in then allows for a controlled release of feed that will match the demand of the plant. If you are going to use it in your garden, apply at the start of spring. For established shrubs and trees, such as our Olea europaea, Elaeagnus x ebbingi, Phillyrea or Laurus nobilis, cover the whole rooting area. If you have a challenging soil type this will help a long your Rhododendrons, Azaleas, and Viburnum tinus along when you first take them home and plant them in your garden. Application is different in this case – mix it in evenly with the soil you are going to add to the hole you dig.
- 1kg bag
- Application & storage instructions included