Category: Words From The Wise

We design gardens in a unique way, we don’t tend to offer drawings / sketches. It’s a fluid design process and we are very plant focused. I’m sure AI could support us in our process but in our opinion, AI reduces the organic experience that our customers enjoy. We still don’t use AI to write our content, can you tell? Does it matter? It does to me. …

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The demise of Box. We are an indomitable lot we gardeners, and once the inevitable has been recognised there are alternatives. So if you are looking for advice and guidance to help find a suitable Box replacement, read on……

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Plants For New Homes: Part 3 Filling in the gaps: blobs, pillows and puffs. In part 1 we discussed some of the easy to care for plants that will bring instant high visual impact into your new garden. We’ve covered several trees and plants and shrubs that develop strong character and unique forms as they…

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