Betula pubescens syn Betula alba (Downy or Moor Birch)
Incredibly hardy, this native birch has a slender outline, a light canopy and a browny bark.
![Hardiness traffic light green](/wp-content/themes/understrap-child/images/green-light.png)
Hardiness level Green
A fragrant oil is extracted and used in the tanning of high quality leather in Russia and the Sami of Finland made a bread from the bark in times of famine. It is a hardy pioneering species that is happy in soils that are moist to quite damp. Of all the broadleaved trees this has the most northerly distribution.
Additional Information |
Continent of Origin | |
Features | |
Hardiness | |
Plant Type | |
Situation | Coastal, Exposed (To wind and sun), Mild City Gardens, Sheltered Garden |
Soil Type | Chalk, Clay, Dry / Well Drained, Loam, Poorly Drained, Sandy, Soggy /Damp (Plant high and you can get away with murder) |
Tree Size |