Luzula spicata (Spiked Woodrush)
A small, hardy, evergreen perennial for moist spots in the garden, the glasslike clumps have flat arched leaves and tall (30cm) spikes of brown grassy flowers. Contact us for sizes and stock availability.
Hardiness level Green
A small, hardy, evergreen perennial for moist spots in the garden, the glasslike clumps have flat arched leaves and tall (30cm) spikes of brown grassy flowers.
Position: A tough little plant for full sun to light shade. It has a wide natural distribution all round the northern hemisphere growing in alpine and sub-alpine regions. Needs good drainage on acid or neutral soils. 'By seed'
Additional Information |
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Soil Type | Loam, Moist / Well Drained, Soggy /Damp (Plant high and you can get away with murder) |
Specialist Plants |