Eucalyptus nitens

Avery tall, very fast growing tree, maybe 20m in this country so for large gardens only. It had a patchwork trunk of smooth and shiny yellow/grey/cream bark and very long grey-green leaves. The clustered flowers are white followed by hard seed capsules.

In its native Victorian and NSW they grow on mountain tops, slopes and in open forests. In this country best grown in an open sunny position away from the cold northerly winds, with soil that should be neither sodden nor drought-prone. Propagated by seed.

N.B. When clipping several plants with the same tool, have a bucket containing a 5% bleach solution and swish your blades around for 30 seconds between plants to sterilise them. This will help avoid the chance of cross contamination of disease.

As with all woody plants, plant high, exposing as much of the taper at the base of the trunk as possible. Allowing soil to accumulate round the base of a tree can be fatal. Keep very well watered when first planted.

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A plant lovers dream…
It is an absolutely wonderful treasure trove for any plant lover and we will be back (frequently!) The plants are all in superb condition, with an enormous variety to choose from. The staff are very professional and knowledgable, but also friendly and helpful.