Betula pubescens syn Betula alba
Incredibly hardy, this native birch has a slender outline, a light canopy and a browny bark.
Hardiness level Green
Incredibly hardy, this native birch has a slender outline, a light canopy and a browny bark.
Hardiness level Green
In 1993, eagle eyed Mr Doorenbos spotted this gem of a tree in the Netherlands. Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.
Hardiness level Green
Deciduous tree (50 ft in 30 years) with decorative flaky bark of variable colour. Often multi-stemmed. Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.
Hardiness level Green
Our familiar Silver Birch. Reaches 40ft after 40 years. Usually supplied as a multi-stemmed specimen. Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.
Hardiness level Green
Gentle use of a pressure washer on a damp day will transform these from white to REALLY white. Best with low dark green foliage for the posh Holland Park look. To 30ft. Please contact us for stock availability and sizes.
Hardiness level Green
PLANT HIRE FOR BRAND LAUNCHES & EXPERIENCES CASE STUDY 1: THE GRENADIER IN BELGRAVIA our plant hire service is about creating instant impact with striking, shapely and unique plants and trees. They’re all lined up and ready to go at our plant nursery. We design, we deliver, we install and we collect – often to…
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